Author Archive: Women Writers Women Books
Dutch by birth and serial emigrant, Barbara currently lives with her husband and daughter in a tiny village in Galicia, Spain, as basic and simple as can be. W Barbara's website.

Writing Together: The Evolution of My Writing Practice
By Christina Consolino For me, writing began as a solitary act. Much like when I read, I immersed myself in the world of story, reveling in the characters, setting, plot, and themes. My lone writing time gave me the opportunity to marinate in my work, and I believed my introverted self couldn’t possibly write with […]

Leap of Faith
By Marlene Wagman-Geller Dreams don’t just have to be for sleeping: The quotation is what my road to publication has taught me. To reach my mountaintop-whose pinnacle was the joy of seeing my name on the spine of books-was an arduous journey. Each writer has their own story; here is mine. Environment is indeed destiny. […]

How My Life’s Mission Became Helping Others Stop Their Suicidal Thoughts, Starting with My Own
By: Gina Cavalier, co-author of Surviving Suicidal Ideation: From Therapy to Spirituality and the Lived Experience It has only been one day that I have been able to hold in my hands the physical book that details the mountain of darkness that I swam through with abuse, neglect, suicidal tendencies, and finally, to the other […]

From Mechanical Engineer to Romance Author: My Journey to Writing Sweet Contemporary Romantic Comedies
By Camilla Isley Ever since I was a child, books have been my sanctuary. I remember the thrill of flipping through pages, getting lost in fantastical worlds, and forming connections with characters who felt like friends. As a teen, I was swept up in the Harry Potter craze, eagerly anticipating each new release. Those moments […]

You Are Never Too Old to Follow Your Dream
By Beth Farrar When I was seventeen, my grandfather gave me a heavy, gold signet ring that belonged to his grandmother, and my love of family history was born. Though it had to share a seat with my obsession with reading and writing my own stories. Having five books on the go at the same […]

Why I Wrote Mostly Sober: A Love Story and a Road Trip? I Had To
By Susan Keller I was a daily drinker for decades. Not heavy, just a couple glasses of wine in the evening; but we now know that daily drinking is physically, mentally, and emotionally damaging. In fact, no amount of alcohol is healthful. Here’s a glimpse at my journey. In January, 2023, my husband, Dan, and […]

Embracing a Nonlinear Narrative Structure
When I set out to write a story about climate change, I got about fifty pages in and felt the spark sputter and die out. For the longest time, I sat there, watching the spiral of gray smoke. I had thought a solitary protagonist, Eleanor, could carry the story, crawling through the obstacle course of […]

How I Accidentally-on-Purpose Ended Up a Co-author, and You Can, Too!
By Tiffani Angus As writers, we tend to be solo workers, so to many of us, the idea of writing with someone else…? Bite your tongue! Being a co-author can be scary and mean losing things: a say in your story, power over what’s written, or even yourself under a pile of words you didn’t […]

June: Reading With Rochelle Weinstein
Hello Readers & Friends, June Reads are here, and I’m sharing from the mountains of North Carolina where the temperatures are cool and I’m wrapped in a blanket that says: Shhh…Rochelle is Reading. Do you have any summer plans? Mountains or beaches? Wherever you land, be sure to pack along some of these books. […]

Writer’s Block? Make Room for Beauty
My wildflower garden is audaciously misbehaved—thick and tall with noble yarrow and coreopsis where the sun shines brightest, slight with purple cornflower, blue flax, and red-pink Sweet William beneath the ledge of tree shade. Nothing uniform in this arrangement. The tallest flowers fall down. The rabbits sip at leggy stems as if they’re straws. The […]
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