Author Archive: Valerie Nieman
Valerie Nieman’s third novel, Blood Clay, was published this spring by Press 53. She is the author of a collection of short stories, Fidelities, from West Virginia University Press, and a poetry collection, Wake Wake Wake. Her work has appeared in many journals including New Letters, Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Green Mountains Review, Arts & Letters, and the recent anthology Degrees of Elevation. She has received an NEA creative writing fellowship, two Elizabeth Simpson Smith prizes in fiction, and the Greg Grummer Prize in poetry. A native of Western New York State, she graduated from West Virginia University and the M.F.A. program at Queens University of Charlotte. She teaches writing at N.C. A&T State University in Greensboro, NC, and leads workshops at programs including North Carolina Writers Network and John C. Campbell Folk School. She is the poetry editor for Prime Number.

The Peripatetic Muse: Writing in Multiple Genres
My latest book is just aborning this spring, To the Bones, a satirical genre-fluid novel that draws on Appalachian tales, horror, and romance in its story of three interlocked mysteries in one small mountain town. It follows a poetry collection, Leopard Lady: A Life in Verse (Press 53, 2018) and precedes a work-in-progress, a haibun […]

Persona: When the Voice Is Not Your Own
This whole process began with hearing voices. I was working in my journal one night when this voice began, with no prodding, no expectation. It was strong and sure, a woman’s voice, dictating lines, whole poems. The first scribbled line was, Well I guess this is the freak show. I was shaken, to tell the […]
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