Author Archive: Anja de Jager

What Happened When I Gave Up My Day Job
It’s now been over three years since I gave up my day job to become a full-time writer. I had a high-powered busy job and I travelled extensively for work. The launch of my first novel had to be fitted in around my work travel and felt like yet another chore that I needed to […]

On Writing a Series – Practical Hints and Tips
Everybody loves a series, especially readers – and publishers! – in the crime genre. I’m currently working on the fourth novel in my Lotte Meerman series and for those of you working on a series yourselves, I would like to share some practical tips from my personal experience. Tip 1: Readers will read your books […]

Plot-driven or Character-driven?
I love reading books about writing. It is my number one displacement activity when I should be working on my novel. However, it bugs me how some how-to books split plot and character. Some books even divide genres into plot-driven and character-driven and say that the plot-driven novels are more likely to be ‘commercial fiction’ […]
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