Author Archive: Mary Ann Marlowe

The Art of Breaking the Rules
The Art of Breaking the Rules Dear Author, have you ever hit the delete key mid-paragraph because you feared you might be breaking some grizzled piece of writing advice? We’ve all heard those pearls of wisdom that bullet-point so easily: Do this, don’t do that. Show don’t tell. Always avoid adverbs. Never open with a […]

The Fear and Joy of Writing on Proposal
Most new authors, whether searching for agent rep or a publishing contract, will need to complete a manuscript, polish it up, and then hope and pray the concept is one that will pique interest, that the writing and voice will connect, and that story will ultimately satisfy. It’s a leap of faith and a lot […]

A Pantser’s Guide to Turning Rough to Ready in one Pass
I have tried, Lord have I tried, to plan out a novel before tackling the actual writing, but after nine novels, I think it’s safe to say, I’m a die-hard pantser. For those who don’t know, a pantser is an author who dives into drafting without a plan, flying by the seat of her pants. […]
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