Tag: publishing

Two Truths And A Lie: What I’ve Learned Going From Small Press To A Big Publisher
We’ve all played this game, or at least some version of it. It’s an icebreaker activity in which partygoers circle up and introduce themselves by telling two true things and one lie. It’s then up to the remainder of the players to guess what is real and what is not. Oftentimes the false statement is […]

Switching From Querying Agents to Querying Publishers
After completing a final polish on Is That The Shirt You’re Wearing? my collection of humorous essays, I diligently researched and targeted literary agents, and sent personalized query letters. Then I eagerly waited for their replies. Then I waited some more . . . and waited some more after that. I even sent myself test […]

Writing Under Multiple Pen Names
When a dream comes true, and it’s even better than your original dream, you can be forgiven for thinking you’ve reached a pinnacle in your writing journey and you’re pinching yourself to wake up. You’re floating on air. It’s all too wonderful to be true. But there it is in black and white – you’ve […]

How To Deal With Non-Constructive Criticism
If you have been on the agent querying treadmill long enough to receive a request for a full manuscript, then you know the feeling: the simultaneous swell of pride and the utter fear of not measuring up. Your query letter worked, hooray! An actual expert from the publishing industry, with a slush pile as high […]

From Publisher To Writer
It was a long held dream of mine to write a novel. In fact I attempted it several times before finally realising my dream. The problem was I never truly believed my writing was of any merit thus resulting in many unfinished manuscripts, which were unceremoniously consigned to a drawer that was rarely opened. […]

Changing Publishers
I tend to abide by the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” motto. I’ve held the same job for almost twenty years, been wearing my hair in the same style (give or take the bangs) most of my adult life, and I don’t immediately purchase “the next best thing” if my current devices are […]

An Open Letter to Writers at Every Stage of Publishing
Dear Writer, Isn’t it amazing how we wake in the pre-dawn hours, or stay up well past midnight to write? We sit alone at our desks with our words, letting them flow as a plot unfolds. In time, a story transpires, a manuscript is finished, and a book published. Writing is a lonely, isolated road […]

A Day in the Life of a Publisher, with SilverWood Books
SilverWood Books (silverwoodbooks.co.uk) provides self-funding authors with professional book production services, wholesale and retail book distribution, and a high level of support. Publishing Assistant Rowena Ball takes us through a typical day in the life of a dynamic publishing team… Morning Continuous communication is vital, and the day begins with running through our production schedule […]

An Unconventional Signing: Unbound
I am a signed author with Unbound! I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was 6 years old. Now for the unconventional part. My publication is only guaranteed if I raise just over £10,000 in pledges. And as soon as money is involved people can become laser focused on that issue. Because ‘money’ can […]

Blue Door Press – An Innovative, Writer-led, Solution To Publishing
The idea for the press grew out of a group of published women writers – of both prose and poetry – who have been meeting for more than ten years. The group’s mostly based in London and the idea for the press started from conversations we’ve shared about publishing – exchanging ideas on how that […]
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