Author Archive: Finola Austin

This Valentine’s Day, Be Glad You Don’t Live In The Times Of Bridgerton…
This Valentine’s Day, be glad you don’t live in the times of Bridgerton… If you ever write a book, you’ll get used to answering silly questions. As a writer of historical fiction, there’s one in particular that gets me every single time. “Would you like to have lived in the nineteenth century?” people ask me, […]

How Writing My First Novel Prepared Me To Write My Debut Novel
As of today, August 4th 2020, I am a published novelist. My debut novel, Bronte’s Mistress, is a work of historical fiction about Lydia Robinson, the real older woman who had an affair with Branwell Bronte, the Bronte sisters’ brother. It was released by Atria Books. Yet every time someone congratulates me on the publication […]

The Brontë Myth: Why This Literary Family Continues to Inspire Writers Today
The Brontë Myth: why this literary family continues to inspire writers today I first “met” the Brontës when my mother read my younger sister and me Jane Eyre. My sister hid under the covers at the “romantic bits.” I hung over the edge of the top bunk to beg for another chapter. The story confused […]
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