Author Archive: Sarah Hackley
Sarah Hackley is an author, bestselling nonfiction editor, ghostwriter, and poet based in the Austin area. Her specialty is ghostwriting and editing books, e-books, Kindle Singles, blogs, and articles for financial professionals, real estate agents, and attorneys. In addition to her ghostwriting work, Sarah currently is writing her own books on the topics of financial independence and emotional healing for women.
Sarah also is the editor and writing coach for Absolute Love Publishing and its imprint, Spirited Press. Through both, Sarah provides individualized, comprehensive editing and coaching services to authors seeking to bring light and inspiration to the world. A passionate believer that the written word can change lives, Sarah is deeply honored to be a part of these projects. Visit Absolute Love Publishing's website for more information.
Sarah's work has appeared on/in Women Will Save the World, Code Blue Politics,, Under The Bridges of America: Homeless Poetry Anthology, The Comic Bible, Crucible, On The Issues Magazine, Texas Family,, The Final Draft: Midnight Masquerade, and the Austin Young Poets Anthology. Her poetry also was featured in an Umlauf Sculpture Garden exhibit. She has edited a number of full-length books, including the women's stuides bestseller Women Will Save the World, Love Like God, and the Love Like God Companion Book.

Women Writers and Guilt: We Have to Learn to Let It Go
Gloria Steinem once said, “Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.” Her words ring true for many of us writers. On my best days – the days when I’m in the zone and the words are flying through me and onto the page […]

Nourishing the Self by Finding the Time to Write
We women are strong. We take on large loads and bear them bravely. But, too often, we neglect our inner selves in the process. This can have dire ramifications, especially for women writers. I’ve found that it is always when my life is at its most stressful that I most neglect myself. I stop exercising, […]
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