Tag: memoir writing

Writing Became The New Love Of My Life
Life has a way of bringing you to places you would never have expected or planned for. It could be a new home, in a different state or country, a new friend, experience or a new career. I had two careers when I started writing, and didn’t even dream at that time that I would […]

Sculpting a Memoir
Memoir writers have huge egos. We actually believe that something we did is important to others. We are the like aging relatives reminiscing at Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone else at the table is anxious to talk about Billy’s wedding or Sally’s divorce, but old Aunt Mabel won’t shut up about life before the war. Her voice […]

A Memoir Narrator Transformed
Speaking of her most recent memoir, Joyce Carol Oates said in an interview, “[T]he elements of fiction…evoke rather than summarize, [which is] the desired goal in…memoir.” These days, memoirs mimic novels in plotting a narrative arc, and incorporating dialog, drama, a climax, and the protagonist’s transformation. The seeming requirement that novelistic techniques figure prominently in […]

Beta-Readers and Editors: Diversity is Strength
Two years ago when I started writing about my niece Deihlia four months after her passing, I wasn’t thinking about audience, promotion, or markets. At the time, I was far out to sea, carried there by waves of overwhelming grief. At first, I was writing it just for myself, so that I could capture details […]

You Too Can Write Your Memoir
Four years ago if someone had told me I’d write a book, I would’ve told them they had mistaken me for someone else. For a real writer. Everything I’d written up to that point either had to do with college papers, my thesis, reports for work, or online articles on gardening in the desert. But […]

Memoir: Agony and Relief
Narrating stories is as old as history itself. In writing about my childhood growing up in India, it’s mostly pain that I highlight: writing allows us to search the depths of our being – to excavate, sort, pile, discard, and heal. Writing a personal narrative comes with mixed emotions, an eclectic blend of agony and relief […]
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