Author Archive: Carol Drinkwater

The Provence cliffs that inspired Carol Drinkwater’s new novel
Cobalt skies, a stunning rocky coastline and the Mediterranean sea provide the backdrop to Carol Drinkwater’s latest book The House on the Edge of the Cliff. My new novel, The House on the Edge of the Cliff, is set, or predominantly set, in the South of France. Think cobalt skies, lapping waves, a rocky coastline, […]

A Day In The Writing Life Of Carol Drinkwater
I think every writer and would-be writer knows that many of the literary giants had or have their own method of getting into the day’s work. Ernest Hemingway sharpening pencils, we all know that story. He wrote by hand. Today, we are more computer-bound. There are no rules. It is what works for you. I […]

Writing Through Grief
Two weeks ago, my wonderful mother died. Suddenly, unexpectedly, she passed away in my arms. One final slow exhalation and she was limp. Gone. Grief has bowled me over, set me totally off course. It was the week of publication for THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER and I was bouleversée, as the French say. Devastated. Nevertheless, I […]
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