Author Archive: Clare Kirkpatrick
Clare Kirkpatrick writes short stories and is working on her first novel. She is also a freelance writer, breastfeeding counsellor, and mum to four girls.

Why Writing Is Important to Me
Women Writers, Women Books asked me write about why writing is so important for me. I wouldn’t be being honest if I said I was someone who couldn’t not write; that my fingers are drawn magnetically to the pen or keyboard; that it’s like breathing to me. That’s just not how it is for me. […]

Writing with Children: A Day in the Life of a Writer Mom
I’ve been asked a few times how I manage to be a writer. I am a home-educating mother of four children, between two-and-a-half and eight years old. Oh yes, and a breastfeeding counsellor as well. Before I get started on explaining how I do it, I need to say that it is not because I […]
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