Tag: editors

Ten Reasons Why You Need an Editor
No writer on the planet will find every single error in his or her writing. That’s a given. So yes, of course you need an editor to catch your mistakes. But you also need an editor – a team of them, actually – to help you become the very best writer you can be. Editors […]

Show Don’t Tell … What The hell?
Show, don’t freaking tell, people! Perhaps the most overused term in fiction editing right now. And I bet you’re bored of hearing it; fed up with checking out pretty much every single writing blog ever and seeing this advice; constantly wondering what the heck this stupid phrase is, and why it’s sooooo stupendously important. Sure […]

Q&A with Erin George, Senior Associate Editor of Henery Press
ABOUT ERIN: After graduating with honors and a B.A. in English, Erin George, now a Senior Associate Editor, found a home at Henery Press. Her interest in publishing stemmed from a lifelong dream of reading fabulous books all day, every day, and editing was a perfect fit. She currently lives in Dallas, TX with her […]

A Day in the Life of an Editor
When you, the tired, withdrawn author, come to me, the fresh-eyed, enthusiastic editor, and say, ‘I need help’ or ‘Something’s not working, but I don’t know what’ or ‘I’m receiving countless rejections’ or ‘I keep getting 2 star reviews’ or ‘I CAN’T GO ON!’, I’m quick to offer you a virtual hug because I recognise […]

The Inside Scoop: Working with a Freelance Editor
Your draft is done. You’ve re-read it a dozen times and you can’t stand to be near it another minute. Cleaning the bathroom is starting to sound more appealing than revising your book yet another time. Well, it sounds like you’re ready to work with an editor! Hiring a freelance editor is one of the […]
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