Tag: featured. women writers

Writing about Bladder Problems: it’s a Piece of Piss!
By Dr Jennifer Meyer Everybody has a book lingering inside them, right? So why did I finally decide that mine had to be born now? I invite you to the conception of Piss to Bliss: Agony. Bloodbath. Ambulance. It’s 4 am on the morning of my birthday 2018. I’m on holiday alone in Spain, sitting […]

Self-belief vs Self-delusion
“One of the hardest parts of writing is walking that line between self-belief and self-delusion.” I spotted this tidbit on Twitter the other day and it struck a chord with me. As writers, we often hear talk of a lack of self-belief as the “imposter syndrome.” Most of us experience it, if not on a daily […]

On Writing a Series by Nan Reinhardt
Author Anne Lamott tells a story about a time when her little brother was overwhelmed with a science project that he’d put off until the last minute. It involved cataloguing birds. The night before it was due, he turned to his father and, in despair, asked, “How will I ever get this all done?” His […]

On Rewriting Real-Life Tragedy: Part II
Write what you know. It’s every writer’s mantra, what we tell ourselves and each other. But what’s a suspense writer to do when she had an idyllic childhood? My father has never been arrested for murder. My husband has never disappeared without a trace. Up until recently, the parts of me that made it into […]

How I Embraced Vulnerability to Tell the Story of Becoming Starlight
Writing a book. To be quite honest, the thought had never entered my mind; I’d never written anything other than personal prose or patient charts that were never meant to see the light of day. The idea was so remote that it would’ve been, as in the Twilight Zone monologue, like “opening a door into […]

Musicals And Writing
When I agreed to write a piece for this fabulous website about how musical theater influences my writing, my first thought was: “How long am I allowed to ramble?” My second was: “How do musicals NOT influence my writing?” Full disclosure, though you can probably tell from the [Title of Show] reference in the title, […]

Where Characters Live
Like most authors, I use pictures as inspiration when I’m working on a story. I create a Pinterest board for each work in progress that helps ground me in the details of the story: setting for different scenes, objects that have significance to the characters, animals, etc. The one thing I stay away from though: […]

Inspiration Behind The Welcome Home Diner
If you’re the last person to leave Detroit, don’t forget to turn off the lights. This is the first sentence of my new release, THE WELCOME HOME DINER, and contemporary Detroit was the primary inspiration behind writing this book. There were other motivating factors—insight into the food business, personal intimacies—but I’ll get to those later. […]

Why I Put Dogs In My Fiction
Every time I attend a book club or read at a bookstore I am asked “Why do you include dogs in all of your books?” In fact, I didn’t include animals in my novels until my second book, ‘Lost & Found’ when a black Labrador with a heroic personality walked onto the stage of my […]

Q&A with Jardine Libaire
Jardine Libaire’s searing second novel WHITE FUR (Hogarth, May 2017), a postmodern Romeo and Juliet is charged with grit, lust, sex, fury, temptation, and desperation. (More below. The interviewer is chomping at the bit to spill it all here, but let’s get to some questions for Jardine first.) Jardine also collaborated on the book GRAVITY […]
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