Category: About Women Writers, Women, Books

Aiming For Balance
Like so many writers, I don’t rely solely on writing to make my living. My income comes from a range of sources: editing, journalism, creative writing teaching and even a little mentoring. This year there’s been the additional juggle of promotional work related to my book, Salt Creek. The common factor is words: love of […]

How Courageous Are You?
Since publishing my own story a year ago, and gathering the stories of women who wished to share their truths in a collaborative anthology, I have been reminded just how difficult it can be to put our truths out into the world. Sharing our stories makes us vulnerable to criticism and judgment. Yet our life […]

Qaisra Shahraz: Researching a Novel in Morocco
Qaisra Shahraz, born in Pakistan, is a critically acclaimed novelist and scriptwriter and has lived in Manchester since she was nine. Her books have been published in numerous countries and translated into various languages. We asked her if she could tell us about her latest research for her novel based in Morocco. Apart from journalism, research […]

Memoir Writing Tips
Heidi Siefkas wrote a memoir about her extraordinary story of survival. We asked her if she could share some memoir writing tips with us. Writing a memoir is an all-in, unveiling of your most private experiences to the world. It’s not a sneak peek, but the whole enchilada whether good, bad, or Montezuma’s revenge. I’m […]

Is Reading Still Relevant: Interview with Dr. Ang Sze Wei
Chialin Yu our correspondent on Chinese Women Writers attended the 10th Hong Kong Literature Festival and caught up with Dr. Ang Sze Wei of Hong Kong University’s Department of Comparative Literature.The Hong Kong Public Library had invited her to give a talk called “Why We Read”. Chialin interviewed her on her thoughts about reading, its relevance in […]

Why I Chose to Self-Publish
I’m sure there are some who write entirely for themselves, but most of us do so for other people. But how do you get your words turned into a book, so that your story can be shared? The traditional route was to attract an agent. He or she would then go on to find a […]

Memoir Competition Mslexia
There are some amazing competitions for women writers! We didn’t want you to miss this one! Mslexia Women’s Memoir Competition is for full-length memoirs from unpublished memoirists. The only competition of its type in the UK, Mslexia is looking for memoirs of at least 50,000 words of prose that narrate actual events in the writer’s […]

The Highs and Lows of Writing
When Women Writers, Women’s Books suggested that I should do another blog I was cautious. What should the subject be? Perhaps I could write on the pleasure of getting an option for a three part TV series for my novel Burnt Norton, but there are many options taken out each year on many books. Some […]

Trilogy Writing Tips
Alison Morton shares her Trilogy Writing Tips with us! This June, the third book in my Roma Nova thriller series, SUCCESSIO, is out in the world. But as I raise a glass of bubbly with friends, fans and fellow writers to celebrate, I can’t help but smile. When I started my first novel, INCEPTIO, I […]

An MA in writing – is it worth it?
Last month, the novelist Hanif Kureishi declared creative writing courses ‘a waste of time.’ The statement seems counterintuitive – Kureishi himself is a teacher of creative writing at Kingston University. Nevertheless, his statement sparked an energetic discussion, with Jeanette Winterson defending her professorship at Manchester University, while the novelist Lucy Ellmann wrote ‘I can’t stand […]
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