Tag: publishing

Should Everyone Publish a Book?
I was chatting with an acquaintance recently when we got onto what I’d been up to lately. “Just finished my second novel,” I chirped, certain he’d be mightily impressed. Instead, I got a judgmental pause followed by: “You and everyone else on the planet!” Umbrage was taken, but the comment did strike me… as sort […]

Write for Victory!
Apologies in advance for starting this post with a negative thought, but it has to be said: there is a lot of disappointment in the business of writing. It is an inescapable part of the job which can make it difficult (to say the least) to keep moving forward, to keep trying, to keep writing. […]

Can a Self-Published Author Have an Agent?
Can a self-published/independent author have an agent? Surely, it’s a contradictory state? Well, no, not in today’s publishing world. Last May, I signed with A for Authors literary agency to represent me for subsidiary and foreign rights. As the congratulations flowed in, I was a little overwhelmed by the lovely things people said on Facebook […]

Dear Me on a Bad Publishing Day…
Dear Me on a Bad Publishing Day, Rejection is part of this. You’ve known that for a long, long time. It wouldn’t be quite right to say you’re fine with it, but you’ve made peace with it as part of the process. You’re a pretty glass-half-full, I’ve got this sort of gal. Every now and […]

Getting In
As Heidi Klum says on Project Runway, either you’re in, or your out. The world of publishing works this way, too. There are barriers and hurdles to get over, doors to walk through, people who welcome you, and those who turn their backs. This is the story of how I got in, and why some […]
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